Robbert Maseland

PhD Robbert Maseland's Details


Radboud University Nijmegen, NSM





Authors Year Title Journal or Book Other Language Type Link
Robbert Maseland 2002 How Fair is Fair Trade? De Economist 150 (3) pp. 251-272 English Journal Link
Robbert Maseland Albert de Vaal 2006 The Debate about International Trade: a small step towards creating one

EAEPE Conference, November 2-4 2006; Istanbul

English Report

Primary Expertise -

Research Interest

My main interest lies in the political and institutional economy of development and globalisation. Research on Fair Trade, I have undertaken together with Dr. Albert de Vaal. In this work, we combine ethics and economics, assessing international trade on basis of various criteria of fairness. My main areas of expertise include institutional economics, economic sociology, international trade and economic geography, and Southeast Asian studies. Currently, I am working on a research project dealing with the causes of economic divergence between regions. Also, I am working on a book about culture and economic development, to be published by Routledge in 2008.