Tejer el Futuro: Campesinos, fábricas recuperadas y comercio justo

Title: Tejer el Futuro: Campesinos, fábricas recuperadas y comercio justo

Who said that Fair Trade only means a better price for the producers of the South? The project explained in this paper presents a really different situation, where a better price for fair trade products is only one of the components which characterize these new forms of international trade relations. "Tejer el Futuro" (Weave the Future) is a concrete example of convergence from below among different actors who play an active role in the international movement for a solidary economy: the indigenous peasants (in majority of etnia Tufa) of the Chaco's region in the North of Argentine, the textile workers of Pigüé's Cooperative, the Cooperative of unemployed persons "La Juanita" in the periphery of Buenos Aires and the Italian consortium of fair trade organizations "CTM Altromercato", built this network with the aim to create the first textil row of fair trade, which includes all the levels of production and marketing. It is an unpublished experience but at the same time it promises to have a lot of future.


Marco Coscione 2008 Tejer el Futuro: Campesinos, fábricas recuperadas y comercio justo GEOGRÁFICA DIGITAL ISSN 1668-5180 5 (10)

Language: Spanish
Type: Journal
Academic Publication: yes
Other Info:

Instituto de Geografía (IGUNNE), Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE