Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas

Title: Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas

Reassessing interpretations of development with a new approach to fair trade

Fair Trade Rebels shifts the focus from the abstract concept of fair trade—and whether it is “working”—to the perspectives of small farmers. It examines the everyday experiences of resistance and agricultural practice among the campesinos/as of Chiapas, Mexico, who struggle for dignified livelihoods in self-declared autonomous communities, confronting inequalities locally in what is really a global corporate agricultural chain.


Lindsay Naylor 2019 Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas 280

Language: English
Type: Book
Academic Publication: Yes
Other Info:

ISBN 978-1-5179-0578-1