Unraveling the Notion of “Fair Carbon”: Key Challenges for Standards Development

Title: Unraveling the Notion of “Fair Carbon”: Key Challenges for Standards Development
By: Anne Tallontire Rebecca Joy Howard Lindsay C Stringer Robert A Marchant

Standards organizations and NGOs have begun to refer to “fair carbon” projects, and “fairly traded” carbon credits. “Fairness” is a fuzzy notion, subject to multiple and competing interpretations. This paper draws on a framing used by standards organizations, which encompasses issues of access and benefits, to critically examine challenges and opportunities for achieving desired “fair” outcomes as discussed in the literature. Arising knowledge gaps are presented as a research agenda that explores what “fair carbon” means to multiple stakeholders; illuminates governance processes through which “fairness” is being standardized; and examines its implications within certified carbon projects.


Anne Tallontire Rebecca Joy Howard Lindsay C Stringer Robert A Marchant 2015 Unraveling the Notion of “Fair Carbon”: Key Challenges for Standards Development World Development 70 343-356

Language: English
Type: Academic Journal
Academic Publication: Yes
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